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BiNusian weblog
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Finally,masuk jga ATL,walau ga tau muzti ngapain…- -‘
Kesan pertama,bingung,ga tau mzti ngapain,akhirnya sih browsing cari2 bahan c-sharp (ambil numpang download2^^,kencangnya,lokal 5-10 mb,ckck,kpn kos gw net nya sgni…..)
First time i look n trying to understand c-sharp,i have no idea,what kind of programming language is it….
But after i try,i hv understand a little,c-sharp is alike C n C++ but it’s using a class to define something…
N it’s pure case sensitive…. If at C n C++ u use main,here u must write down “Main”,not “main”
For write something into the output,it’s alike C,except u must define it at class n use “Console.Write(” “)” or “Console.WriteLine(” “)”
n if at C or C++ we use standart library,such as stdio.h,iostream.h,here we use NameSpace
So if we Console,we must declare “using System” as the NameSpace
Example :
// Namespace Declaration
using System;// Program start class
class WelcomeCSS
// Main begins program execution.
static void Main()
// Write to console
Console.WriteLine(“Welcome to the C# Station Tutorial!”);
or,if u don’t want use “using Console”,u can use
// Program start class
class WelcomeCSS
// Main begins program execution.
static void Main()
// Write to console
System.Console.WriteLine(“Welcome to the C# Station Tutorial!”);
so here we declare main inside a class,and than inside main we can use all of output n input
U must declare input n output declaration inside main,u cannot put it outside main/method
n if u want to hold the screen for not closing after execution,u can use
n if u want to enter a variable into output,if in C u use printf(“%d %c”,a,b)
here u use “{number}”
Console.Write(“{0} {1} “,a,b);
n for the input u can use this format
Console.Write(“What is your name?: “);
Console.Write(“Hello, {0}! “, Console.ReadLine());
Here before program display Hello,it will ask for the input.
or,u can use
Console.Write(“What is your name?: “);
string a=Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write(“Hello, {0}! “, a);
And if u want to input int,u must convert it into int ,cause ReadLine return string
Example :
using System;
class coba
public static void Main()
string a;
int b;
Console.Write(“Enter Number : “);
b = Int32.Parse(a);
Console.Write(“{0}”, b);
Int32.Parse(a) is used for convert string into int
For Loop n condition it’s alike C n C++
For more,u can open
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