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Archive for the ‘Anime’ Category

Video CLip : Fallen Down… ^^

Just wanna share…

  • Filed under: Anime
  • FF XIII OST..^^

    Just want to share… I think the CGI and the song r cooler than XII…. ^^

  • Filed under: Anime
  • Clannad AS



    Clannad AS,the second season of Clannad….^^
    I recommended this anime,the best life story anime i think,althrough i disappointed with the ending,but other than that,this anime is epic n tell us that life has happiness n problem….
    In this season, where most of the characters graduate high school and all go their own way, and this is where this series evolves into something completely unique. It’s a bit hard to describe this without any major spoilers, but the result is absolutely heart-wrenching, and yet incredibly realistic. Nearly every side character disappears from the screen in order to follow his or her dream, and we’re just left with the main couple of the series. It’s going to be very hard to find someone who wasn’t extremely positive about the turns that the series took at that point. It has sadness(when Nagisa dead,when Tomoya together with her daughter,it can make you drop tears )
    Unlike Kanon, these two really helped the harem genre evolve, and with a genre that originally lived on seeing who could make the most generic heap of stereotypes, it really needed that.

    Storytelling: 9/10
    Characters: 10/10
    Production-Values: 9/10
    Setting: 8/10

  • Filed under: Anime